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    Students paint mural in SEIR building.

    Academic Tour

    Explore academics in Maverick Country!

    Academic tours are for future freshmen and transfer students. During this tour, students will receive an hour and half campus tour. The tour will highlight resources and facilities. Once the campus tour concludes, you will attend an academic information session on your area of interest.

    Each tour will last approximately two and half hours, 2 p.m - 4:30 p.m. 

    The tour will take place at the Dan Dipert University Welcome Center

    Before You Arrive

    Our guided campus tours are walking tours. Please wear comfortable walking shoes. Be aware of current weather conditions and dress accordingly, as tours will take place when the weather is hot, cold or raining.

    Parking Information

    Parking for all tours is available in the College Park Center South garage on South Center Street. Guests are required to bring their license plate number upon arrival at the Dan Dipert University Welcome Center to avoid receiving a parking ticket. Tour visitors are encouraged to leave their vehicles in the parking garage throughout their visit, even if they have appointments elsewhere on campus.